Who are The Contenders?

The dictionary definition says contending is striving to overcome immense difficulty. Whether living with cancer or seeking to live out a faith in Jesus—both immense challenges—to contend should be your default posture. But is it?

Too often passivity is the default in pursuing Jesus.

To truly contend is to submit yourself to the work of Christ within. It is not herculean effort, but humble obedience.

The Contenders are those seeking to embrace discomfort for the sake of the work of Christ within.

We embrace doing hard things, on purpose.

May we contend for the glory of God together. We are The Contenders.

About Tyler

Tyler Braun is a husband to Rose, father to three children, and the Senior Pastor at New Harvest Church in Salem, Oregon.

He has written for Christianity Today, The Gospel Coalition, and Relevant. He has also published the book Why Holiness Matters (Moody).

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Do hard things on purpose


Helping others find purpose and meaning in Jesus